A voice-over artist is haunted by a past relationship as she sinks deep into the isolation of a recording booth.
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Directed by Hunt Beaty
Written & Produced by Hunt Beaty, José Andrés Cardona, and Wesley Wingo
Voice-Over Artist: Stacey Weckstein
Frank: Harry Bainbridge
Ex-Boyfriend: Andrew Erwin
Voice of Ex-Boyfriend: Jeffrey Turboff
Tom: Yuval David
Photographed & Edited by José Andrés Cardona
Production Sound Recordists: Theodore Robinson, Ashley Knowlton, M. Louis Gordon
Hair & Makeup: Allison Brooke
Visual Effects: Carl Brent Ferguson
Color Grading: Post Pro Gumbo
Colorist: Alan Louis Gordon
Color Producer: Josh Senior
Supervising Sound Editors: Tarcisio Longobardi, Theodore Robinson
Sound Editors: Ashley Knowlton, Zoe Brock
Re-Recording Mixer: Cory Choy
Score by Vito Cacciapaglia
“Oh Chichorina" Written and Performed by Andrea Litkei and Ervin Litkei
Special Thanks: Silver Sound, Cory Choy, Robin Shore, Reed Adler, David Broad, Hand Held Films, APM Music, Pond 5
Shot on location at Silver Sound in New York City